Songs of the New Dawn are composed by the Indian composer Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sakar, called in Bengali, Prabhat Samgiit. There are over 5000 songs, and each one is a jewel, expressing love, devotion and social inclusion. They give insights into many topics, social, political, psychological, and spiritual, placing them within a deeply humanitarian perspective. They fit within many genres of Indian music, including folk or jhumur, mystic songs or Baul, semiclassical and so on and there are also a few songs written in English too.
Our Guest Singer tonight is Pritilata, of Indian origin and presently residing in Germany, and expert in Prabhat Samgiit.
Kavita and I will also perform some favourites of mine, including the mystic Baul songs of Rarh, a region where I have spent many years resaerching and delving into the music.